Javascript Variables

Javascript Variables

Storing & Manipulating Data With Variables

Variables are containers for storing data.  A variable name is a label that points to this data that will allow you to access and manipulate this stored data. Creating a variable is called declaring it. You declare a variable in JavaScript by using the var keyword. Generally it’s best practice to declare all variables at the beginning of a script. All variables must be identified with a unique name. To assign a value to the variable, use the = sign. A variable declared without a value will have the value undefined. It’s best practice to end all lines of code in JavaScript with a ; semicolon.  It’s not required but it’s considered best practice.


There are 3 ways to declare a variable in JavaScript.

  • Var: Global Scope – Can be accessed from anywhere.
  • Let: Local Scope – Only lets you use the variable within the block you declared it in. (Best practice to avoid naming collisions)
  • Const: A variable that can not be changed.

The general rules for creating names for variables are:

  • Variable names can contain letters, digits, underscores, or a dollar sign.
  • Names must begin with a letter and not a number.
  • Names can also begin with $ (but that’s usually reserved for JQuery)
  • Names are case sensitive so (Price and price are different variables)
  • Reserved keywords cannot be used as variable names.
  • It’s best practice to use Camel Case for variable names. First letter of the first word is small. First letter of all following words should be capitalized.

JavaScript Provides 7 Different Data Types:

You can get the type of a variable using the typeof keyword: typeof variable;

  • undefined: variable that hasn’t been defined.
  • null: Means nothing. Set a variable to be nothing.
  • boolean: Set a variable to true or false.
  • number: Variable that contains any number.
  • string: Variable that contains any text.
  • symbol: A symbol may be used as an identifier for object properties and dynamically produces an anonymous, unique value.
  • object: An object can store key value pairs.
String Variables in Javascript

Escape characters inside a sting.

Some chatacters don't work inside a sting and need to be escaped to work.

Quote  \’
Double Quote \”
Back Slash  \\
New Line  \n
Carriage Return
(Simular to new line)
Tab \t
Backspace \b
Form Feed
A form feed is a page-breaking. Forces the printer to start a new page.


Bracket Notion

Get a character within a specific index of the string. Remember that javaScript uses ZERO BASED INDEXING which starts at 0 not 1.

Numbers & Variables In Javascript

In JavaScript, just like in algebra, we can use variables in an expression.

Number Variables Javascript
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